quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017

terça-feira, 21 de março de 2017


Agrupamento de Escolas Carlos Amarante
Escola Básica de Gualtar
                                                              Clube de Línguas Estrangeiras
          No próximo dia 19 de abril de 2017, quarta-feira, realizar-se-á uma reunião pelas 18.30h, na EB2.3 de Gualtar, para preparar a visita de estudo a Barcelona, a realizar de 30 de junho a 3 de julho 2017.
         Convidam-se todos os Pais /EE e alunos inscritos para  comparecerem na sessão, que contará com a presença do dono da agência Oscartur.
                                     A Professora responsável: Maria de Fátima Sá


quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

At Spitalfields market, London 2017

Across the UK pancake races take part on Shrove Tuesday. It involves a large about of people normally in fancy dress, racing down streets tossing pancakes. The idea is to get to the finish line first, while carrying the frying pan and flipping the pancake without dropping it. The most famous race is in Buckinghamshire in Olney. Those that take part have to be housewives wearing aprons, a hat or scarf.
Each contestant has to toss the pancake three times during the race. The first woman to get to the church, complete the course, serve the pancake to the bellringer and kiss him is the winner.
At Spitalfiedls market, in London, men and women usually go on with this tradition...

Pancake races

Pancake Day 2017

What is Pancake Day?

Shrove Tuesday marks the last day before Lent, traditionally a period of abstinence, associated with clearing your cupboards of things like sugar, fat and eggs. It's known as Pancake Day because it represents a good opportunity to use up such ingredients. 
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Shrove Tuesday- Happy Pancake Day!!
